Many of our clients have legal expenses insurance but do not know its scope. The companies often pass on enquiries from the insured to internal advisors. They provide brief information about the case, but rarely give correct information about whether the legal dispute is insured.
Legal expenses insurers are naturally interested in a low claims volume. Legal advice is usually geared towards avoiding litigation if possible. Some companies try to prevent clients from pursuing their interests by giving discouraging information about the prospects of success.
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If you would like to make an appointment, please feel free to call us on 030 856 13 77 20 or send us an email via our Contact form.
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You would like to buy or sell a property and are looking for a competent lawyer who will reliably assist you?
We assert your interests against the legal expenses insurance company
The cooperation agreement with the insurance company that the lawyers have concluded obliges them to work for a lower fee. The motivation to thoroughly examine your case with a low payment is low. Often the lawyers only get a lump sum, so they want to settle the case quickly with little time. There is also a psychological aspect, because the lawyer feels obliged to the client and the insurance company. (“What I eat, what I sing”).
Without a precise description of the facts and the state of the dispute as well as the prospects of success, no company will agree to pay the costs. This sometimes requires pages of correspondence. For this reason, a client’s request for a confirmation of coverage is usually unsuccessful. The legal expenses insurer wants to check carefully whether your case belongs to the insured scope of benefits. This is hardly possible without extensive correspondence.
Im Rahmen der Erstberatung verschafft sich der Anwalt einen groben Überblick über Ihren Fall. Er schätzt die Erfolgsaussichten ein.
Die meisten Gesellschaften übernehmen die Kosten einer solchen kurzen Beratung selbst dann, wenn der konkrete Fall nicht versichert ist. Die Erstberatung dient unteranderem dazu, festzustellen, in welchen Rechtsbereich ihr Fall gehört.
Wir versuchen bei der Erstberatung bereits abzuschätzen, ob die Versicherung die Kosten des Rechtsstreits übernehmen muss.
Wenn wir dies bejahen, beantragen wir zunächst eine Deckungszusage für eine außergerichtliche Tätigkeit. Sofern diese zu keinen Erfolg führt, beantragen wir bei der Versicherung die Übernahme der Prozesskosten.